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At the beginning of a UX designer's career, mock projects can be a great way to demonstrate technical skills and gain experience with tools like Figma. These projects are typically created in a vacuum and are not based on real-world user needs or feedback, making them a great way to practice the design process and experiment with different ideas. However, more than mock projects are needed to make a compelling portfolio. Here's how to get around this.
Want to know who actually wrote that line?
Over the past years, I interviewed 100+ mid-level or senior UX and product designers. I always look for these three skills during a portfolio review or a design exercise.
To get you started, I put together some CSS snippets that will take you a long way.
Help customers find the right property for their trip from the Search Results page.
A plea for more designers to be data driven and validate their assumptions.
Talk for Beneath the surface - UX @
Have you ever dreamt of embarking on a voyage through space with the USS Enterprise?